Ten Breaths.  This is a simple, but powerful way to focus your mind and create a lasting memory. Many of my most memorable experiences of joy and wonder at the world around me have come while using the Ten Breaths technique.  

The starting point is awareness of your breath - the ability to feel your body moving as it breathes.  The technique itself couldn't be more simple - observe something, like these pink dogwood blossoms, with full attention, and breathe for ten long, steady breaths.  

Ten breaths doesn't sound like many, but you may be surprised at how long it seems when you're fully aware of the experience.  You may get a few breaths into the practice and notice your mind wanting to jump somewhere else, wanting to turn away from the object of your attention.  This is where the practice becomes most powerful - you refuse the distraction, staying with the count of breath and redoubling your concentration - looking for more detail, more subtlety - and there is always more.  After ten breaths, you release the practice and resume normal breathing and go on your way - focused, refreshed, perhaps even amazed.